Discover The Secrets To Begin Your Journey From Divorce To Bliss
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Meet The Author

Rachel S. Ruby is an attorney, entrepreneur, author, writer and coach. She worked in family law and was a certified divorce mediator. She trained many real estate agents on legalities in the field and in relation to purchase and sales contracts. Ms. Ruby owns multiple companies and has always enjoyed helping people make important decisions. 

She has authored several other books, and Divorce to Bliss is her most heartfelt book to date. It took a big journey through the dark tunnel of divorce for Ms. Ruby to find true happiness and live her best life. It is her passion and her mission to share this pathway to happiness after divorce, so that others can live their truth and find ultimate bliss.

Rachel S. Ruby

Author, Attorney, Entrepreneur
Author of Divorce to Bliss


...so you don’t have to make the same mistakes
Hello! I’m Rachel Ruby, and I’m glad you’re here.
Divorce can be one of the most challenging experiences in a person’s life. It certainly was for me.

My life was turned upside-down when I divorced in midlife after almost 30 years of marriage. It was a time of great fear, uncertainty and self-doubt. I went through an incredible range of emotions—sadness, anger, confusion, fear, blaming, shame, and so much more. 

But at some point I began to realize that, far from being a catastrophe, this could be a time of incredible growth and life-changing epiphanies…if I opened my heart and allowed that growth to happen.

This shift in mindset led to a major awakening experience, in which I found myself again, after feeling lost for so long. This awakening was a process that took time and a journey through darkness, not knowing when I would see the light but trusting that it would come. 
My journey is ongoing, as yours will be, and there are still mountains to climb and decisions to make that are challenging, but I now know that I am free to make those choices and decisions in the way that is best for me. 
The experience was worth it beyond my wildest dreams, and I revel in the beauty that surrounds me every day. I know I can do anything. And so can you.

I believe that you too can overcome your divorce and be happy. The question is: Will you do it? 

Most people stay in relationships that no longer serve them because they are afraid of change and of the unknown. Fear is paralyzing and change is scary. But happiness and inner peace are blissful—there is nothing that compares. Your life is your life, and it is short.

Choose happiness. Choose yourself. Choose love. All you need to start is to make a commitment to yourself.

Start your journey now on the pathway to moving forward from divorce, to finding freedom and creating the life of your dreams!
To Your Bliss,
Rachel S. Ruby
Author, Attorney, Entrepreneur
Author of Divorce to Bliss 

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Your copy of Divorce to Bliss: A Guide to Finding True Happiness After Divorce Through Body, Mind and Spirit will be delivered to your doorstep, PLUS you'll receive immediate access to the digital eBook, all for a one-time charge of USD $14.95.
Tania C.
"Wow – this is powerful. It got me to stop feeling sorry for myself – I want what she has!"
Ann V.
"Boy Oh Boy. What can I say! Couldn’t be happier. Take her advice! Can’t wait to go to a live event with Rachel S. Ruby."
Charlotte T.
"Rachel S. Ruby knows what she is talking about, especially because she went through it. Very helpful guide."
"Ms. Ruby is honest and open, and damn spot-on about how to get happy after divorce. Recommend to all."
Mary M.
"I didn’t know how to heal after my divorce and gained 10 pounds and looked awful, even with therapy and talking to my friends. Rachel S. Ruby motivated me to make some big changes – thank you!"
Laura A.
"Rachel’s advice on how to get through a divorce saved me. I was so depressed, but reading her story and seeing how she got through it helped a lot. I am working hard on the steps and already feel so much better."
Julie L.
"This is the best guide to finding yourself after divorce – I really needed that. Highly recommend."
Mara C.
"This book is so great! Rachel S. Ruby is an inspiration."
Beatrice V.
"I too have recently gone through a divorce…and eagerly read Rachel’s new book - I found it to be so on point, encouraging and motivating for my own current road to bliss. I recommend anyone who is on this journey or considering it to read her book."

Here Are A Few Secrets You’ll Discover In The Book

– It’s A Sneak Peek At What’s Inside! 
  • Yes, it is possible to create a life of bliss and purpose, even after a divorce. 
  • How to move through the dark tunnel of loss and despair, and come out into the light at the other end.
  • Realize that divorce does not make you a ‘failure’; the real failure is staying in an unhappy relationship.
  • How to stop listening to the negative voices of others, and realize that the only voice that you need to listen to is your own.
  • How to make the shift from being guided by fear to trusting in yourself and in life.
  • The 5 best practices to add to your life that reconnect you with YOUR SELF.
  • Why it is so important to incorporate things into your life that bring you joy – every single day!
  • Why putting yourself first is the ONLY way to find true happiness in life, and how you can make that shift while STILL giving to others.
  • 6 ways to tune into your Authentic Self – and why this is absolutely necessary to create your happiest life.
  • Learn to Let Go (it is a crucial step on the journey to happiness).
  • The importance of creating a support network, and ways that you can establish one.
  • How to come to terms with being alone – and how you can learn to love it!
  • Why a victim mentality will keep you from ever being happy, and how you can overcome it.
  • The importance of forgiveness to release the past and move forward (even when it isn’t easy!).
  • How to prioritize your health and well-being (this is vital to finding true happiness and living an abundant life).
  • How to start a meditation practice to release stress and keep body, mind and spirit in harmony.
  • Why it is CRUCIAL to develop your intuition and learn to trust yourself (and practical steps to help you to do this!).
  • Tips for dating after divorce, when you are ready for a new relationship.

Now is the time to begin your journey to happiness and inner peace as you learn to move from divorce to bliss.

Are you ready to move forward and begin creating your exciting new life?

The answers to guide you are all in the book. Buy your copy today!

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